Conclusions can I draw is that the lyrics of the song and video clips created by the band Noah contains a message that is very philosophical motivation for music lovers Noah band. Fakta Lagu Indah Cintaku Vanessa Angel (YouTube/NAGASWARA Official Video) Indah Cintaku merupakan lagu yang menggambarkan perasaan dua insan yang sedang jatuh cinta. As well as the many similarities and relationships between the lyrics and video clips with the original life of the band Noah. In addition there are 3 elements interconnected Saussure's semiotic ie bookmarks (signifier), marker (signified), and significance. Lagu tersebut tentang perasaan syukur seseorang atas kesempatan kedua yang diberikan. Afgan merilis debut albumnya berjudul Confession No.1 di bulan Januari 2008 sekaligus mengeluarkan lagu pertamanya berjudul Terim Kasih Cinta. The results of this study indicate that the lyrics of songs and video clips Noah band can be seen from the point of view of the concept of meaning and form of communication messages. Afgansyah Reza merupakan Penyanyi Indonesia berdarah Minangkabau. Collecting data using qualitative descriptive method, with engineering literature. Kima memenuhkan Winamp dengan lagulagu kumpulan pop rock Indonesia. This study aimed to describe the message symbols, the reality of love, as well as the suitability and the difference between the lyrics of the song with the video clip is in the lyrics and video clips Noah Band using semiotic studies. Hanya alunan suara Doris Day menyanyikan lagu 'Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered'. Songs from the band's much in demand by the public, especially young people. Linguisticsįakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan DaerahĬinta Sebatas Patok Tenda Dan Cinta Simpul Mati.Noah is a genre of music bands alternative rock, pop, rock originating from Bandung, West Java.

Keyword: Language Style, Meaning, Diction Item Type: Researcher also found central meaning (4 data), narrow meaning (4 data), wide meaning (3 data), lexical meaning (2 data), construction meaning (7 data), emotive meaning 8 data), connotative meaning (10 data) and idiomatic meaning (2 data). Diction that as used in song comprise with three type that are to say connotative, contained 8 data has detected, concrete (contained 6 data has detected) and with realm realities object (contained 8 data has detected). All of language style which used has purpose as an ecstatic value increment from thing having to do with song art. The result of the research indicates that language style which used is comparison between metaphor (contained 1 data has detected), simile (contained 7 data has detected), there is only 1 confirmation of language style is climax, contained 3 data has detected. This research used qualitative descriptive method, the collected data has analyzed by using analyzed the content and text method in Surakarta around three months. The purpose of this research is to inform the reader about meaning, dictions, and also language styles are creator used to show what the creator feel, and what is more is to addition the reference for language education especially Indonesia. This impression can be known by diction structure, language style, also the meaning are used in each lyrics. Song Cinta Simpul Mati and Cinta Sebatas Patok Tenda are two of song’s collection from this group which has deep impression for listeners. The songs from this band group has scout theme. LO Band is bands who consist of scout’s member from Lampung. Song is one of language work which used to musical tone, song that has language style, diction and also different meaning.

One of the works which can be documented is song. It is not rare that they show their varieties in a work which can be documented. Based on act of expressing has goal to show the special quality we are used that is from one of the languages variety. With all of wealth, as a citizen who used to naturally for each individual who wants speak to world. Penyanyi Aura Kasih pernah dituding melakukan plagiat atas lagu Mari Bercinta garapannya. Beberapa musisi Indonesia ini pun pernah dituding melakukan hal serupa: 1. Namun kasus plagiarism tampaknya bukan hanya dialami Kekeyi saja. Wealthy with resources, cultures variety also the languages. Aku Bukan Boneka diproduksi Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia.